Catholic Church in Meadowbank
4 Lucia Glade, Meadowbank | Auckland
Office Hours: Tue – Fri, 9:30am – 12 noon
Phone: 09 521 5244 Mobile: 022 155 6897 Email:
Readers are called to proclaim the Word of God. They are a storyteller called to speak the words of salvation. Readings are for the Mass they attend during the weekend as per the roster or upon request.
This is a group of selected and trained parishioners who assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass when required and may also assist in home communion when required.
The Music Ministry invites all willing to serve the Lord through music to join us either as a singer or instrumentalist. Lead the congregation in song.
You may join this ministry at any time.
Altar servers are rostered for each of the Weekend masses and assist the Priest in the service of community. You may apply after the completion of the Sacramental Programme. Training is provided.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is celebrated on Sundays at the 9:30am mass. This team brings children to hear the Word of God at their own level of understanding.
Volunteers are always needed.
The projectionist operates a laptop computer and coordinates the timing of the display. The presentation uses PowerPoint and a training is provided. Volunteers serve at the Mass they attend.
We operate a monthly roster for the arranging of flowers. If you enjoy flower arranging and could spare some time to do it a few times a year we would be very pleased to hear from you. Volunteers are always welcome.
Greeters are an important part of our parish community. They welcome newcomers as well as longtime community members coming to Mass. This is a great time to meet and get to know others in our parish community.
To provide adults with an understanding of the Catholic faith, teaching and tradition. There are roles can be found within the RCIA process, Adult Faith Formation, Baptismal Preparation, Sacramental Preparation and Sponsorship.
Our Parish grounds has many opportunities to promote the natural beauty God has bestowed on us. Help with planting and maintaining these spots.
The cleaning and maintenance of any building is a always a huge task. Keeping our church clean ensures a welcoming atmosphere and a pleasant experience.