Our Lady of Fatima Altar Servers
God blesses Altar Servers with additional graces separate from the graces received from participating in the Holy Mass.
There are also joys from serving, such as satisfaction at helping the Priest celebrate Mass,
and satisfaction from praising God in a different way.
OLOF Altar Servers Training Video
Hey Altar Servers! Watch this video to learn more and for a refresher before you serve.
00:00 Introduction & Roles
00:09 Tasks before Mass starts (All Altar Servers)
00:30 Lining up and Procession in to Church (All Altar Servers)
02:05 After the Gloria, hold book (Cross Bearer)
02:42 Gospel Acclamation (Candle Bearers)
03:48 After the Prayers of the Faithful (Cross Bearer)
04:04 Move to the entrance to lead Offertory (Candle Bearers)
04:30 Move to the front of the Sanctuary to receive gifts (Cross Bearer)
04:44 Setting of the Altar Close Up (Cross Bearer)
05:32 Leading the Offertory (Candle Bearers)
05:50 Assist the Priest (Candle Bearer 2)
06:05 Take up the water Cruet (Candle Bearer 1)
06:28 Preparation of Gifts (Cross Bearer)
06:47 Wine & water (Candle Bearers)
07:06 Water Cruet close up (Candle Bearer 1)
07:20 Water bowl & towel (Cross Bearer & Candle Bearer 1)
07:57 Holy, holy, holy, Bells (Cross Bearer), Candles (Candle Bearers)
08:26 Ringing of the Bells (Cross Bearer)
08:34 Bells - Laying of the Hands (Cross Bearer)
08:48 Bells - Blessing of the Bread (Cross Bearer)
09:12 Bells - Blessing of the Wine (Cross Bearer)
09:29 The Doxology
09:34 Bells - Great Amen
10:20 After Communion (Cross Bearer)
10:28 Take up water Cruet & cover (Cross Bearer)
10:53 Clear the Altar (Cross Bearer)
11:33 Final Blessing (All Altar Servers)
12:00 Homebound Communion
12:14 Final tasks & Recessional
12:28 Line up (All Altar Servers)
12:45 Recessional (All Altar Servers)
13:18 Gather at the Entrance (All Altar Servers)
13:23 Put away items and get changed (All Altar Servers)
13:47 Thank you!!
Sign Up to be an Altar Server
Everyone that has completed the Sacramental Programme can sign up to be an Altar Server. Training is provided 🙂